Picacho Coffee was founded in late 2009 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Built from the ground up by owner and roastmaster, Chad Morris, it remains a family-owned and operated business. We roast all our 100% specialty-grade, arabica coffees to order in small, handcrafted batches. Our manually operated five-kilo and a twelve-kilo roasters have no automated controls because we approach coffee roasting as an artisanal craft, one that demands years of experience and attention to detail.
Picacho Coffee is also 100% solar powered: our roastery runs on our local solar grid and solar-electric converter, and the excess electricity we produce helps bolster renewable, local energy production. Picacho Coffee supports the partnering of local, small business with eco-friendly agriculture and social responsibility. We offer number of organic, Fair Trade Organic, and naturally-grown coffees. The individual farmers and coffee pickers who produce our single-origin and single-estate coffees enjoy prices and wages that far exceed industry standards.
We sell wholesale and retail coffees in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Los Angeles. We also sell coffee fresh-roasted to order on our website: PicachoCoffee.com. Roastmaster Chad Morris recently launched a new coffee project by teaming up with sommelier Sam Hovland of Austin, Texas to develop two signature blends of specialty coffee, the Wines in Austin, Texas and on the web. Our sommelier-crafted blends are the tangible result of this collaboration between coffee and wine geeks.
Please visit us at CoffeeCon’s main exhibit Hall at the Mack Sennett Film Studios in Silver Lake, November 8, 2014 to sample and learn more about our Sommelier Crafted Coffee Blends.